Monday, December 26, 2011

Brenda Casten

Country of origin: Mexico
FORT COLLINS - Brenda Casten might have to leave the only country she's ever known in order to legally live in it. But doing that could potentially threaten her life. Casten, a 24-year-old Fort Collins resident with three children, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer of the bone marrow and blood. She has received chemotherapy for the aggressive disease but may need a bone marrow transplant if she is to overcome it. But Casten, who has lived in the United States since she was 2 years old, is not a citizen. She spent part of her childhood in Colorado's foster care system, she said, but the paperwork that would have established her citizenship was never filed.
To read more about Brenda Casten, see the rest of the article here.

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