Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chan Teung Yee

Country of origin: China

His story is told by his daughter Helen Yee:

Born on October 13, 1911, in Canton, China, my Dad, Chen Teung Yee, was a petite gentleman, who stood tall in his children’s eyes. He was the sole surviving child in his family. His grandfather was a blacksmith and his father was a fisherman. The family farmed as well.

My Dad was an adventurer, who immigrated to City of San Francisco when he was seventeen. He arrived by ship and spent about six months on Angel Island before he was permitted to enter the United States. We were never told why he remained at the immigration center so long, although he knew others who stayed even longer, or who were returned to China.

To read more about Chan Teung Yee, visit You can also read about his daughter's story there as well.

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