Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hugo Ferreira

Country of origin: Angola
Hugo Ferreira (born March 7, 1974) is a Portuguese-American African-born rock musician and singer-songwriter for the band Tantric. Hugo Ferreira was born on March 7, 1974 in Luanda, Angola, which at the time was a Portuguese colony, to Portuguese colonial settlers. After the independence of Angola in 1975, his family moved to Hudson, Massachusetts in the United States. Hugo began playing the piano at around age 5. According to his biography, he began thinking about writing and composing music at 14 years of age. Before becoming a more mainstream artist, Ferreira was a member of wedding bands, dance music groups, "off-tune" rock groups, and Portuguese folklore groups. After graduating from Hudson High School in 1992, he moved to Detroit, Michigan, where he started the band Merge. In the course of the next four years, the band self-released a record and a six-song tape.
To read more about Hugo Ferreira, read the rest of the article at Wikipedia, or visit his website.

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